Us Pro-Palestine Protest Today's Truths 

Pro-Palestinian protests at US universities

Police have clashed with students critical of the war and the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza, with nearly 550 arrests made over the protests in the last week across major U.S. universities, according to a Reuters tally. click on the below link to see the photos: American Association of University Professors Condemns Student Arrests Today, AAUP president Dr. Irene Mulvey released the following statement: The AAUP condemns in the strongest possible terms the crackdown on peaceful dissent occuring this week at Columbia, NYU, and other universities…

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Today's Truths 

Gaza: Israeli strike on NGO aid team condemned as humanitarians renew access call

The killing of seven aid workers from the NGO World Central Kitchen in Israeli military airstrikes in central Gaza has been strongly condemned by senior UN humanitarian officials who on Tuesday reiterated repeated concerns that “there is no safe space left in Gaza”:,been%20occupied%20by%20Israeli%20troops%20for%20two%20weeks.

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Prophet Muhammad greatest forgiveness Articles 

Article: Prophet Muhammad, the Greatest Forgiveness in the History, the Eagle Flag, and the Marvelous Strategy for Peaceful Opening of Mecca

Another Article of Eckhart Christopher Hopkinson with the above title has been published recently. The page of the Articel: Abstract of the Article: This historical research discusses the conquest of Mecca. It proves that the Hudaibiyah peace treaty was first violated by Quraysh. This paper also studies the color, the name, and the message of the flag of the Prophet Muhammad in the Mecca conquest. It has been shown that the idea of the flag with the word punishment written on it, is wrong or is a carefully designed…

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Ali ibn Abi Talib Life Changing Role Models 


The Quotes of Ali ibn abi Talib are known for their eloquent contents and are considered masterpieces of literature. ********************************************************************** Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything — Ali Ibn Abi Talib Through patience great things are accomplished. — Ali Ibn Abi Talib “O’ People! Try to be honest for God is the helper of honest people. Avoid telling lies since it will ruin your faith. Know that honest people are on the verge of nobility and honor, while liars…

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Ali ibn Abi Talib Role Models 

Glorious Justice of “Ali ibn Abi Talib”

Ali ibn Abi Talib (Imam Ali)’s writings explicitly make the connection between Justice and Truth in the sense of the proper ordering of things. After the Prophet Mohamed, Imam Ali was the best example of great moralsand ethics, including justice. He lived for justice and was very firm in his belief that everyone should have a right to live in security, that there should be food and shelter, and clothing for all. He considered humanity as one family where there should be tolerance for all irrespective of race, creed and…

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