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Palestinian Girl Condemns Global Silence on Gaza Civilians Being Killed by Israel

The consequences of the 200-day Israeli military attack on the Gaza Strip are horrifying, both in their scope and their deliberate targeting of Palestinian civilians. This is particularly alarming given the shameful lack of global pressure on Israel to adhere to international law and the rulings of the International Court of Justice and to halt the ongoing crime of genocide against the Palestinian people.

A young Palestinian girl has made an appeal to the world countries, expressing her exhaustion and frustration with the ongoing Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Enough, enough. What are the Jews doing to us? And the Arab nations watching us. Does our suffering please them? And you Arabs, I don’t know what to say about you. Children are dying under the rubble, their hands are severed, their legs are torn, their heads are crushed. To every Arab and foreigner who sees us, What blood runs in your veins? From what clay you are made? If your own child faced this, would you stay silent? I have one thing to say: I will not forgive you, Neither in this life nor in the next, and I will ask my Lord not to forgive you either. This is the last word I say to you.

Israel’s relentless war on Gaza has killed more than 40,000 Palestinians, at least 16,456 of them children and over 11,000 women. Gaza’s Health Ministry on Thursday announced the grim milestone, a figure that is likely an undercount as most of the missing 10,000 Palestinians are believed to be buried under mountains of rubble.

“Can you imagine what 40,000 means? It is a catastrophic number that the world cannot imagine,” Aseel Matar, a Palestinian woman in Gaza, told Al Jazeera. “Despite this, the world sees, is aware, hears, and watches us every day, every minute, but remains silent, and we are powerless. We are exhausted, we have no energy left.”

The United Nations says Israel’s bombardment has damaged or destroyed two-thirds of buildings across the Strip.

Nearly 12,000 children have died in the Israeli military campaign against Gaza, and the number rises daily. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) spokesperson James Elder says, “The Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child.” UNICEF’s statistics show that at least one Gazan child is killed every 15 minutes. More than 10 lose one or both legs every day. Many bleed to death while hospitals go without means to treat them. Thousands more lie uncounted in the rubble of their demolished houses.

These are children, just like Sterlin Danison and Jessica McClure. Where are their rescuers? And what rescue is needed other than simply to stop the destruction?

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