ArbaeenRole Models 

Arbaeen: One of the World’s Largest Annual Pilgrimages

In recent years, walking a distance from Najaf to Karbala to commemorate Arbaeen, meaning the 40th day past the martyrdom of Imam al-Hussain (a), has become incredibly popular among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. What sparked people’s interest in this pilgrimage? How did it become a tradition and norm? Keep reading the below article to find out.

Every year, millions of Shia Muslims and some people of other faiths from around the world take part in a special pilgrimage ritual, culminating in what is arguably the world’s largest public gathering.

Usually on foot, for about 20 days, the pilgrims trek hundreds of kilometres from cities around Iraq and Iran to the holy city of Karbala where they commemorate the death in battle of Imam Hussein.

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